Liliana Glenn
Business Name: LilianaBead Art Glass Beads, Jewelry & Sculpture
Showroom Address: 43 Main St, Suite #4 , Natick, MA 01760
Art Medium: Lampwork Art Glass Beads &More
Photo credit Oliver Thom
We think of glass as hard, brittle, and static. In flame, glass becomes liquid, dynamic, and interactive. Natick artist Liliana Glenn continually finds herself drawn to flameworking—the process of melting glass rods in a torch flame—and deeper into the intricate relationship between molten glass and gravity. Her passion, curiosity and perseverance have kept her on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and artistic expression in glass. LilianaBead product includes as art glass beads, small vessels, jewelry, and mixed-media sculpture.
A designer, maker, and teacher, Liliana Glenn developed a passion for glass more than 20 years ago. “Glass is a wonderful prism [through which to see] the natural beauty that surrounds me,” says Liliana, “I’m drawn to color and its inevitable encounter with light.” She creates and teaches glass in her Natick studio. For more information, please visit and connect with her - @lilianabeadglass - on Facebook and Instagram.